Characteristics of Japanese people

Although the Japanese personality is diverse and cannot be generalized, there are some general characteristics that are shared within the culture and society. Below are some general Japanese personality trends:

1.Humility: Humble behavior and modest behavior are common. The emphasis is on respecting others and restraining yourself.

2.Cooperation: A cooperative attitude toward groups and communities is valued. You are required to value harmony and build good relationships with others.

3.Diligence: Recognizes hard work and dedication. It is common for people to take their work and studies seriously.

4.Responsibility: Emphasis is placed on fulfilling duties and responsibilities. It is important to take responsibility for one’s actions and maintain harmony within society as a whole.

5.Attention to detail: Consideration and consideration for others is important. It is common to have a considerate attitude, taking into consideration the other person’s feelings and position.

6.Perseverance: Requires perseverance and perseverance in the face of difficulties. It is common to calmly accept the situation and work towards a solution.

7.Emotional Suppression: Avoid showing emotions and focus on maintaining a calm and calm demeanor. You are expected to control your emotions and treat others calmly.

8.Loyalty: People tend to be loyal to their families and organizations. Trustworthiness and loyalty are important in work and relationships.

These characteristics are general trends and do not apply to all Japanese people. In addition, there are individual differences, and different trends can be seen depending on urban areas, rural areas, and age groups.


  1. 謙虚さ: 謙遜な態度や控えめな言動が一般的です。相手を尊重し、自らを抑えることが重視されます。
  2. 協調性: グループやコミュニティに対する協力的な姿勢が重要視されます。調和を大切にし、他者との良好な関係を築くことが求められます。
  3. 勤勉さ: 努力や献身的な働きぶりが評価されます。仕事や学業に対して真剣に取り組むことが一般的です。
  4. 責任感: 義務や責任を果たすことが強調されます。自分の行動に責任を持ち、社会全体での調和を保つことが重要視されます。
  5. 細やかな気配り: 他人への気配りや思いやりが大切にされます。相手の感情や立場を考慮し、配慮深い態度が一般的です。
  6. 忍耐強さ: 困難に対しても忍耐強く、辛抱強い態度が求められます。状況を冷静に受け入れ、解決に向けて努力することが一般的です。
  7. 情緒の抑制: 感情を表面に出さず、冷静で穏やかな態度を重視します。感情をコントロールし、他者に対しても穏やかに接することが期待されます。
  8. 忠誠心: 家族や組織に対する忠誠心が強い傾向があります。仕事や人間関係において、信頼性や忠誠心が重要視されます。


Japanese culture places great importance on consideration for others, and it is a value shared by society as a whole. The following are general trends and customs regarding consideration for others in Japan:

1.Greetings and Respect: You are expected to greet others politely and show respect when meeting them for the first time and in everyday communication. Humble language and honorific language are also common.

2.Be quiet: It is important to be quiet and not make loud noises in public places and on public transport. Particularly on trains and buses, care must be taken not to disturb other people.

3.Separate garbage and take it home: Separate garbage is required when disposing of garbage in public places and outdoors. You are also expected to take your own trash home with you as much as possible and maintain it in a clean condition.

4.Queues: In queues in cities and stores, it is common to wait in line. Also, please be quiet in the queue and try not to disturb other people.

5.Public transportation: On trains and buses, it is common to use silent mode on your cell phone and offer seats to each other. It is expected that priority seats will be given to the elderly and pregnant women.

6.Consideration of others: It is important to try not to disturb others when you are sick. Especially if you have a cold or feel unwell, be careful not to infect others.

7.Respect for Privacy: It’s important to respect the personal space and privacy of others. You can avoid forcing yourself to ask personal questions or forcefully interfering with other people’s lives.

These considerations and manners are long-established customs in Japanese society, and are valued in order to build good relationships with others. It is important for tourists and foreigners to respect these customs when visiting Japan.


  1. 挨拶と敬意: 初対面や日常のコミュニケーションにおいて、相手に対して丁寧な挨拶や敬意を示すことが期待されます。謙遜な言葉遣いや敬語も一般的です。
  2. 静かな行動: 公共の場や交通機関では、大声を出さず静かに行動することが重要です。特に電車やバス内では、他の人々への迷惑にならないように注意が払われます。
  3. ゴミの分別と持ち帰り: 公共の場や屋外でゴミを出す際は、分別が求められます。また、できるだけ自分のゴミは持ち帰り、清潔な状態を維持することが期待されます。
  4. 待ち行列: 街や店舗での待ち行列では、順番通りに並ぶことが一般的です。また、列の中での静かな態度や他の人に迷惑をかけないように心掛けます。
  5. 公共の交通機関: 電車やバスでは、携帯電話のマナーモードの使用や、座席を譲り合うことが一般的です。優先席は高齢者や妊婦に譲ることが期待されます。
  6. 他者への気遣い: 病気の際や他者に迷惑をかけないように心がけることが重要です。特に風邪を引いたり体調が悪い場合、他人にうつさないように気を付けます。
  7. プライバシーの尊重: 他人の個人的な空間やプライバシーを尊重することが大切です。無理に個人的なことを聞くことや、他人の生活に無理に介入することは避けられます。


So what are the weaknesses of the Japanese people?

There is diversity in the personality and behavior of individual people, and it is difficult to apply general characteristics to all Japanese people. It should also be understood that it depends on culture and society. However, there are also common challenges and points of criticism that are relevant to some Japanese people. Below, I will list general points related to these, but these do not apply to all individuals, nor do they negate Japanese society as a whole.

1.Overwork culture: Problems such as long working hours and death from overwork are considered social issues. Overworking can have a negative impact on health and the lives of workers.

2.Excessive collectivism: In some cases, it has been suggested that collectivism can suppress individual opinions and individuality. This has been shown to lead to constraints on flexibility and creativity.

3.Social Closeness: Some people may feel closed to foreigners and other cultures. This can lead to discrimination against foreigners and challenges in communicating with the international community.

4.Slow progress in improving the status of women: From the perspective of gender equality, it is sometimes said that progress has not been made in improving the status of women in the workplace and society.

5.Indirectness of communication: Japanese communication style is sometimes indirect, and you may find it difficult to convey your intentions clearly. This can lead to misunderstandings and communication challenges.

These are just some points and do not apply to Japanese society as a whole. It is important to develop a deeper understanding of individual people and situations, taking into account the complexity of society and culture.



1.過労文化: 長時間労働や過労死といった問題が社会的な課題とされています。働きすぎが健康や労働者の生活に悪影響を及ぼすことがあります。

2.過度な集団主義: 一部の場合、集団主義が個々の意見や個性を抑制することがあると指摘されています。これが柔軟性や創造性の制約につながることがあるとされています。

3.社会の閉鎖性: 一部の人々が外国人や異文化に対して閉鎖的であると感じることがあります。これが外国人差別や国際社会とのコミュニケーションの課題につながることがあります。

4.女性の地位の向上の遅れ: 男女平等の観点から見ると、職場や社会での女性の地位向上が進んでいないとされることがあります。

5.コミュニケーションの非直接性: 日本のコミュニケーションスタイルは時に非直接的で、はっきりと意思を伝えにくいと感じることがあるかもしれません。これが誤解や意思疎通の課題につながることがあります。


In general, what Japanese people want to improve on a social and individual level is related to a variety of issues and challenges. These are individual differences and different people may see the problem from different perspectives, but below are some common points:

1.Work style reform: In order to address the issues of long working hours and death from overwork, there is a need to improve the working environment and increase the flexibility of work styles. Achieving a balance between work and life is important.

2.Gender equality: There is a need to promote women’s social advancement and improve their status in the workplace and society from the perspective of gender equality. Women are expected to lead fulfilling lives both at work and at home.

3.Inclusion of diversity: There is a need for greater understanding and acceptance of foreigners and people from different backgrounds. It is believed that this will allow for smoother cooperation with the international community.

4.Educational reform: Educational reform is being sought to improve the quality of education for children and maximize the abilities and talents of each individual. There is also a need for education that respects different values and skills.

5.Consideration for the environment: Efforts to address environmental issues are being strengthened in order to build a sustainable society. Progress is being made in introducing renewable energy and reducing waste.

These are some of the challenges and changes facing Japanese society, and many people would like to see improvements in these areas. However, these challenges are complex and require the whole of society to work together to address them.


1.働き方改革: 長時間労働や過労死の問題に対処するため、労働環境の改善や働き方の柔軟性の向上が求められています。仕事と生活のバランスを取ることが重要視されています。

2.ジェンダー平等: 女性の社会進出を促進し、男女平等の観点から見て、職場や社会での女性の地位向上が求められています。女性が仕事と家庭の両方で充実した生活を送ることが期待されています。

3.多様性の受容: 外国人や異なるバックグラウンドを持つ人々に対する理解と受容の向上が求められています。これによって国際社会との連携がより円滑に進むと考えられています。

4.教育改革: 子供たちに対する教育の質を向上させ、個々の能力や才能を最大限に引き出すための教育改革が模索されています。また、異なる価値観やスキルを尊重する教育も求められています。

5.環境への配慮: 持続可能な社会の構築に向け、環境問題への取り組みが強化されています。再生可能エネルギーの導入や廃棄物の削減などが進められています。


By the way, why are Japanese people not good at English?

The reason why Japanese people are said to be bad at English is due to several factors. Below are the main reasons:

1.Problems with the educational system: In Japan’s educational system, English lessons begin in primary and secondary school, and most of them focus on grammar and vocabulary memorization. Many students feel that there is a lack of training in actual communication and practical English conversation skills.

2.Linguistic differences between Japanese and English: English and Japanese have different grammar and expressions, and English uses an alphabet, so Japanese people need to learn a new language system. This requires adaptation and can feel like a high hurdle for some people.

3.Lack of English environment: This is also due to the limited opportunities to use English in daily life. Many Japanese people live in Japan and have limited opportunities to use English, which hinders their ability to improve their practical skills.

4.Culture shock and communication differences: You may feel confused or anxious about the differences in culture and communication styles with your English speaking partner, and this is a factor that reduces your desire to speak English.

5.Lack of recognition of the importance of English: For a long time, the Japanese language was the dominant language in Japan, and there was a time when the importance of English in international communication was not fully recognized. Although that perception has been changing in recent years, it is still evolving.

These factors combine to cause some Japanese people to feel that they are not good at English. However, in recent years, English education reform has progressed, and efforts toward English education have been strengthened.



  1. 教育体系の問題: 日本の教育体系では、英語の授業が初等教育や中等教育で始まりますが、その多くが文法や単語の暗記に焦点を当てています。実際のコミュニケーションや実用的な英会話スキルの養成が不足していると感じる生徒が多いです。
  2. 日本語と英語の言語的な違い: 英語と日本語は文法や表現方法が異なり、英語はアルファベットを使用するため、日本人にとっては新しい言語体系を学ぶ必要があります。これには適応が必要で、一部の人にとってはハードルが高いと感じられます。
  3. 英語環境の不足: 英語を日常で使用する機会が限られていることも影響しています。多くの日本人が日本国内で生活し、英語を使う機会が限られていることが、実践的なスキルの向上を妨げています。
  4. カルチャーショックやコミュニケーションの違い: 英語を話す相手との文化やコミュニケーションスタイルの違いに戸惑いや不安を感じることがあり、これが英語を話す意欲を減退させる要因となっています。
  5. 英語の重要性の認識の不足: 長らく日本は日本語環境が主流であり、国際的なコミュニケーションにおいて英語が必要とされることの重要性が十分に認識されていなかった時期がありました。近年ではその認識が変わりつつありますが、まだまだ進化途上です。


So, what do you think of the image that Japanese people have of foreigners?

In general, the images that Japanese people have of foreigners are diverse and vary depending on their individual experiences and encounters. However, there are some general trends.

1.Friendly: Foreigners are generally approachable and may come across as friendly. Cross-cultural exchange is one of the causes of curiosity and interest.

2.Stylish: The fashion and lifestyle of foreigners may give the impression of being stylish and fashionable. Foreigners are paying more attention to fashion and trends, especially in big cities.

3.Respect for diversity: Because foreigners come from different cultures and backgrounds, there is a positive impression that they respect diversity. It is said that coming into contact with different cultures is a rich experience.

4.Language hurdle: One hurdle for foreigners is whether they can speak Japanese. You may find it easier to communicate with foreigners who can speak English.

5.Attraction of foreign countries: Foreigners are attractive to Japanese people, and they may become interested in the culture and customs of that country. Foreigners who visit Japan as tourists are also generally curious.

However, these are general trends and not all Japanese people feel the same way. It depends on each person’s perspective and experience. Japanese society is also becoming more diverse, and interactions with people from different cultures and backgrounds are increasing.



  1. 親しみやすい: 外国人は一般的に親しみやすく、友好的な印象を持たれることがあります。異文化交流が好奇心や興味を引く一因となっています。
  2. スタイリッシュ: 外国人のファッションやライフスタイルは、スタイリッシュでオシャレな印象を持たれることがあります。特に大都市での外国人のファッションやトレンドに対する注目が高まっています。
  3. 多様性を尊重: 外国人は異なる文化やバックグラウンドを持っているため、多様性を尊重しているという好意的な印象があります。異なる文化に触れることが豊かな経験となるとされています。
  4. 言葉のハードル: 外国人に対しては、日本語が話せるかどうかが一つのハードルとなります。英語を話せる外国人にはコミュニケーションがしやすいと感じることがあります。
  5. 異国の魅力: 外国人は日本人にとって異国の魅力を持つ存在であり、その国の文化や習慣に興味を抱くことがあります。観光客として日本を訪れる外国人も好奇心を抱かれることが一般的です。


In general, Japanese people tend to be welcoming and welcoming to tourists. Tourism not only contributes to Japan’s economy, but also serves as a means of promoting cross-cultural exchange and international friendship. Many Japanese people are friendly towards tourists and are interested in sharing local culture and tourist attractions. When tourists are in trouble or lost, they tend to be kind and helpful, and a cooperative attitude is common. However, in large cities and tourist destinations, there are social issues such as congestion due to an increase in the number of tourists in some areas, and some tourists not observing manners and customs. Therefore, when visiting, it is important to respect the local culture and customs and value harmony with your surroundings.




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