Famous cherry blossom spots

The blooming time of cherry blossoms varies depending on weather conditions and region. Generally, cherry blossoms bloom from late March to early April in Japan, but this may vary depending on temperature and weather conditions. For example, in Okinawa it blooms from January to February, and in Hokkaido it sometimes blooms in May.

The blooming time of cherry blossoms not only differs from region to region within Japan, but also varies depending on the weather conditions in the same region from year to year. The Japan Meteorological Agency and other organizations publish forecasts for cherry blossom blooming every year, and you can use this as a reference to plan your cherry blossom viewing.

Cherry blossoms bloom only for a moment, and the period from when they bloom to when they fall is relatively short, so if you visit during the blooming period, you can enjoy the most beautiful cherry blossoms.




There are many different types of cherry blossoms in Japan, and these are classified according to their shape and flower characteristics. Below are some of the typical types of cherry blossoms.

1.Somei Yoshino: Somei Yoshino is the most common and famous cherry blossom variety in Japan, and is characterized by its pale pink, five-petaled flowers. In spring, they are often seen in parks and streets.

2.Yamazakura (Yamazakura): Yamazakura is a cherry tree that grows wild in the mountains, and its flowers are rather small and deep pink in color. It may bloom earlier than Someiyoshino.

3.Weeping cherry: Weeping cherry has a distinctive shape with drooping branches, giving the appearance of drooping flowers. It has a wider variety of pink colors than Someiyoshino and Yamazakura.

4.Oshimazakura (Oshimazakura): This cherry tree is native to Okinawa and the Nansei Islands, and blooms in warm regions. The flowers are rather large and have a deep pink color.

5.Kanhizakura (Kanhizakura): Kanhizakura is distributed in cold regions, and you can enjoy cherry blossoms even in cold regions. It is characterized by pale pink flowers.

These are just a few, and there are many different varieties and varieties in Japan. Different cherry blossoms are planted in each region and park, and you can enjoy the beauty of a variety of cherry blossoms during the spring cherry blossom viewing season.


1.ソメイヨシノ(Somei Yoshino): ソメイヨシノは日本で最も一般的で有名な桜の品種で、淡いピンク色の五弁の花が特徴です。春になると公園や街路などでよく見られます。

2.ヤマザクラ(山桜): ヤマザクラは山地に自生する桜で、花がやや小ぶりで濃いピンク色をしています。ソメイヨシノよりも早く咲くことがあります。

3.シダレザクラ(枝垂れ桜): シダレザクラは枝が垂れ下がっている特徴的な形状を3.持っており、花が垂れ下がっているように見えます。ソメイヨシノやヤマザクラよりも幅広いピンク色のバリエーションがあります。

4.オオシマザクラ(大島桜): 沖縄や南西諸島に自生する桜で、暖かい地域で咲きます。花はやや大きめで、濃いピンク色をしています。

5.カンヒザクラ(寒緋桜): 寒緋桜は寒冷地に分布し、寒い地域でも桜の花を楽しむことができます。淡いピンク色の花が特徴的です。


Somei Yoshino is the most famous and common cherry blossom variety in Japan and can be seen at many cherry blossom viewing spots. Below are some places where Yoshino cherry trees are particularly famous.

1.Parks in Tokyo: There are many parks in Tokyo, among which Ueno Park, Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, and Chidorigafuchi around the Imperial Palace are famous for Yoshino cherry trees. In spring, these parks are crowded with many cherry blossom viewing visitors.

2.Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Path: Kyoto’s Philosopher’s Path is famous for its cherry blossom tunnel, and in spring the road is covered with beautiful Yoshino cherry trees. It’s a wonderful spot where you can walk with cherry blossoms.

3.Osaka Castle Park: Osaka Castle Park is a park located around a large castle in Osaka City, where Yoshino cherry trees bloom beautifully in spring. The combination of Osaka Castle and cherry blossoms is worth seeing.

4.Hirosaki Park in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture: Hirosaki Park is located in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, and is a beautiful park centered around Hirosaki Castle. In spring, Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom and a cherry blossom festival is also held.

5.Kashii Shrine in Fukuoka City: Kashii Shrine is a shrine located in Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City. There are many Yoshino cherry trees within the shrine grounds, and a cherry blossom festival is sometimes held in the spring.

These places are representative spots where you can enjoy the beautiful Someiyoshino cherry blossoms. However, Yoshino cherry trees are widely planted throughout Japan, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in many places.


  1. 東京都内の公園: 東京都内には多くの公園があり、その中でも上野恩賜公園、新宿御苑、皇居周辺の千鳥ヶ淵などがソメイヨシノで有名です。春になるとこれらの公園は多くの花見客で賑わいます。
  2. 京都の哲学の道: 京都の哲学の道は、桜のトンネルとして有名で、春になると美しいソメイヨシノが道路を覆い尽くします。桜と一緒に歩くことができる素晴らしいスポットです。
  3. 大阪城公園: 大阪城公園は、大阪市内にある大きな城の周りに広がる公園で、春になるとソメイヨシノが美しく咲き誇ります。大阪城と桜のコンビネーションは見応えがあります。
  4. 青森県弘前市の弘前公園: 弘前公園は、青森県弘前市にあり、弘前城を中心に広がる美しい公園です。春になるとソメイヨシノが咲き誇り、桜まつりも開催されます。
  5. 福岡市の香椎宮: 香椎宮は福岡市東区にある神社で、境内には多くのソメイヨシノがあり、春になると桜祭りが開催されることがあります。


Yamazakura (wild cherry tree) is a variety of cherry blossom that grows naturally in mountains and highlands, and its beautiful flowers decorate the mountains. Below are some places famous for wild cherry blossoms.

1.Mt. Yoshino (Nara Prefecture): Mt. Yoshino is one of Japan’s most famous cherry blossom viewing spots, especially the wild cherry blossoms, which are in full bloom. In spring, the mountains of Yoshino turn pink and you can enjoy a tunnel of cherry blossoms.

2.Takachihomine (Miyazaki Prefecture): Takachihomine is located in Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, where wild cherry blossoms grow naturally in the high altitude area. In spring, the beautiful cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

3.Mt. Kirishima (Kagoshima Prefecture): Mt. Kirishima is located in Kagoshima Prefecture along with Sakurajima, and wild cherry blossoms can be seen in the high altitude areas. The view of cherry blossoms and majestic mountains is spectacular.

4.Hachimantai (Iwate Prefecture): Hachimantai is located in Iwate Prefecture, where wild cherry blossoms bloom at high altitudes. It is a beautiful spot where you can enjoy majestic mountains and cherry blossoms together, especially in spring.

In these places, wild cherry trees are often found in high-altitude areas, and their beautiful flowers bloom with the arrival of spring. These areas are known as cherry blossom viewing spots, and many people visit in the spring.


  1. 吉野山(奈良県): 吉野山は日本で最も有名な桜の名所の一つであり、特にヤマザクラが美しく咲き誇ります。春になると、吉野の山々がピンク色に染まり、桜のトンネルが楽しめます。
  2. 高千穂峰(宮崎県): 高千穂峰は九州の宮崎県にあり、標高の高い地域にヤマザクラが自生しています。春になると、美しい桜の花が咲き誇ります。
  3. 霧島山(鹿児島県): 霧島山は桜島とともに鹿児島県に位置し、標高の高い地域にヤマザクラが見られます。桜と雄大な山々の景色が絶景となります。
  4. 八幡平(岩手県): 八幡平は岩手県にあり、標高の高い地域にヤマザクラが咲きます。特に春には雄大な山々と桜が一緒に楽しめる美しいスポットです。


Weeping cherry blossoms are characterized by their beautiful drooping flowers, and can be enjoyed in various places in Japan. Below are some places famous for weeping cherry blossoms.

1.Hanamikoji (Kyoto City): Hanamikoji in Kyoto is famous for its weeping cherry blossoms. In spring, the cherry blossoms hanging down the path create a beautiful tunnel that attracts tourists and locals alike.

2.Gokayama Gassho-zukuri Village (Toyama Prefecture): Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture is home to a traditional gassho-zukuri village, and weeping cherry trees bloom beautifully around it. The scenery of cherry blossoms and traditional buildings creates an exquisite contrast.

3.Shirakawa-go (Gifu Prefecture): Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture is also home to a gassho-zukuri style village, and weeping cherry blossoms create a beautiful scenery in the spring. The collaboration of white snow and cherry blossoms is wonderful.

4.Hirosaki Castle Park (Aomori Prefecture): Hirosaki Castle Park in Aomori Prefecture is a famous place where weeping cherry blossoms bloom beautifully. In spring, the park surrounding Hirosaki Castle is filled with cherry blossoms.

5.Zenkoji Temple Precincts (Nagano Prefecture): Zenkoji Temple in Nagano Prefecture has drooping weeping cherry trees within its precincts, and is visited by many worshipers and tourists in spring.

Weeping cherry trees create a beautiful landscape in these places, and many people visit during the spring cherry blossom viewing season.


  1. 花見小路(京都市): 京都にある花見小路は、シダレザクラの名所として知られています。春になると、小道に垂れ下がる桜の花が美しいトンネルを作り出し、観光客や地元の人々が訪れます。
  2. 五箇山合掌造り集落(富山県): 富山県の五箇山は、合掌造りの伝統的な集落があり、その周辺にもシダレザクラが美しく咲きます。桜と伝統的な建物の風景が絶妙なコントラストを生み出しています。
  3. 白川郷(岐阜県): 岐阜県の白川郷も合掌造りの集落があり、春になるとシダレザクラが美しい景色を演出します。白い雪と桜のコラボレーションが素晴らしいです。
  4. 弘前城公園(青森県): 青森県の弘前城公園は、シダレザクラが美しく咲く名所です。春になると弘前城を中心に広がる公園が桜の花で埋め尽くされます。
  5. 善光寺境内(長野県): 長野県の善光寺は、境内に垂れ下がるシダレザクラがあり、春になると多くの参拝客や観光客が訪れます。


Oshimazakura (Oshimazakura) is a variety of cherry blossom that grows naturally in Okinawa and the Nansei Islands, and is characterized by its ability to bloom in warm regions. Below are some places where Oshima cherry blossoms are famous.

1.Shuri Castle Park in Okinawa Prefecture: Shuri Castle Park is a park surrounding Shuri Castle and is known for its beautiful Oshima cherry blossoms. The Oshima cherry blossoms, which bloom according to Okinawa’s climate, create an exquisite scenery with Shuri Castle.

2.Amami Oshima: Amami Oshima is part of the Nansei Islands that belong to Kagoshima Prefecture, and is home to Oshima cherry blossoms. In spring, you can enjoy Oshima cherry blossoms in various places on the island.

3.Okinoerabu Island: Okinoerabu Island also belongs to the Nansei Islands, and Oshima cherry blossoms can be seen on the island. Especially in spring, the entire island is colored with cherry blossoms, creating a beautiful scenery.

In these places, you can enjoy the sight of Oshima cherry blossoms blooming beautifully as they have adapted to the subtropical climate. Spring in the Nansei Islands and Okinawa region brings with it beautiful nature as the cherry blossoms bloom, allowing tourists and locals alike to enjoy the cherry blossoms.


  1. 沖縄県の首里城公園: 首里城公園は、首里城の周辺に広がる公園で、大島桜が美しく咲くことで知られています。沖縄の気候に合わせて咲く大島桜の花が、首里城との絶妙な風景を作り出しています。
  2. 奄美大島: 奄美大島は、鹿児島県に属する南西諸島の一部で、大島桜が自生しています。春になると島内のさまざまな場所で大島桜を楽しむことができます。
  3. 沖永良部島: 沖永良部島も南西諸島に属し、大島桜が島内で見られます。特に春には島全体が桜の花で彩られ、美しい風景が広がります。


Kanhizakura (Kanhizakura) is a variety of cherry blossoms adapted to cold regions, and can be found in Hokkaido and other cold regions. Below are some places where Kanhizakura is famous.

1.Goryokaku Park in Hakodate City, Hokkaido: Goryokaku Park in Hakodate City, Hokkaido is known as a cherry blossom viewing spot in the cold region. Kanhi cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and a cherry blossom festival is held in spring.

2.Water Park in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido: The water park in Asahikawa City is famous for its beautiful Kanhizakura flowers. In spring, it is crowded with many visitors.

3.Moerenuma Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido: Moerenuma Park in Sapporo is also one of the places where you can enjoy the cold scarlet cherry blossoms. Beautiful flowers and vast parks draw many people during cherry blossom season.

In these places, you can enjoy the beautiful Kanhizakura flowers in cold regions such as Hokkaido. The blooming period of cherry blossoms depends on weather conditions, so it is a good idea to check the blooming status of the cherry blossoms before visiting.


  1. 北海道函館市の五稜郭公園: 北海道函館市にある五稜郭公園は、寒冷地における桜の名所として知られています。寒緋桜が美しく咲き誇り、春になると桜まつりも開催されます。
  2. 北海道旭川市の親水公園: 旭川市にある親水公園は、寒緋桜の美しい花が楽しめる公園として有名です。春には多くの訪れる人で賑わいます。
  3. 北海道札幌市のモエレ沼公園: 札幌市内にあるモエレ沼公園も、寒緋桜が楽しめる場所の一つです。美しい花と広大な公園が桜のシーズンに多くの人々を引き寄せます。


Famous cherry blossom spots by region


Famous cherry blossom spots illuminated at night

1.Meguro River・・・A popular spot where cherry blossom trees line both banks of the river for approximately 4km. The approximately 800 cherry trees are mostly Yoshino cherry trees, and the best time to see them is from late March to early April. There are many stylish cafes and shops along the Meguro River, so you can enjoy shopping while enjoying the cherry blossoms. At night, the lights of paper lanterns sway on the surface of the river, creating an even more magical world.

2.Rikugien Garden・・・The weeping cherry tree, which is a symbol of Rikugien, is about 15 meters high and about 20 meters wide, and the sight of its pale pink flowers cascading down like a waterfall is a sight to behold. During the peak viewing season, which is a little earlier than the Somei Yoshino cherry trees, the trees are illuminated for a limited time. The beautiful sight of flower petals floating in the night sky, which is different from the daytime, is a must-see.

3.Chidorigafuchi Park・・・One of the most famous cherry blossom viewing spots in Tokyo. Located between Chidorigafuchi and the British Embassy on the west side of the Imperial Palace, approximately 260 cherry blossom trees, including Yoshino cherry and Oyamazakura, are in bloom. Every year during the Cherry Blossom Festival, the cherry blossoms along the Chidorigafuchi Greenway are lit up in a fantastical light, and the boat docks are open at night.

4.Ueno Onshi Park・・・Known as a mecca for cherry blossom viewing since the Edo period, it is one of Tokyo’s most famous cherry blossom viewing spots. Approximately 800 cherry trees, mainly Yoshino cherry trees, are in full bloom within Ueno Park, and approximately 1,200 cherry trees, including those at Ueno Zoo, are in full bloom. At night, it is illuminated by lanterns, making it a popular spot for traditional cherry blossom viewing.

5.Sumida River (Sumida Park)・・・Sumida Park stretches across both banks of the Sumida River, straddling Taito and Sumida wards. A band of cherry blossoms brightens the river surface for about 1km. You can also enjoy a collaboration with Tokyo Skytree® and a sophisticated cherry blossom viewing experience by riding a houseboat on the Sumida River and viewing the rows of cherry blossom trees on both banks. At night, the cherry blossoms in the park are lit up, creating a magical sight. Starting in 2022, the Spring Breeze Connecting Festival'' will be held for the first time in place of theSumida Park Cherry Blossom Festival.” In addition to food trucks from local shopping streets, guided tours and a music festival will also be held.

6.Tokyo Midtown・・・Sakura Street, which is about 200 meters long in front of Tokyo Midtown’s Garden Terrace, is lined with cherry blossom trees with splendid branches that have been rooted in this area since the days of the former Defense Agency, and in the spring it becomes a tunnel of cherry blossoms. Every year, elaborate events are held to coincide with the peak viewing season. The cherry blossoms illuminated at night are also spectacular.

7.ARK Hills・・・Approximately 150 old Somei Yoshino trees line the Sakurazaka and Spainzaka slopes along the outer periphery of ARK Hills. In spring, it becomes a tunnel of cherry blossoms with a total length of about 700 meters, and is illuminated to coincide with the blooming. The fantastic sight of cherry blossoms at night is a sight to behold. The bridge that connects South Tower and Ark Hills is a hidden cherry blossom viewing spot overlooking the rows of cherry blossom trees.

8.Koganei Park・・・The vast park is home to about 1,400 cherry blossom trees of about 50 species, including wild cherry, Somei Yoshino, and Kasumi cherry. One of the great things about this place is that you can enjoy the cherry blossoms for a long time from late March to late April at the cherry blossom garden. The adjacent Tamagawa Josui is also lined with beautiful cherry blossom trees, so we recommend taking a short trip.

9.Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden・・・An oasis in the middle of the metropolis where the skyscrapers of Shinjuku tower over the hazy spring sky. There are about 65 different types of cherry blossoms in the park, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for about two months, starting with the Kawazu cherry blossoms that bloom from late February.

Famous spot for beautiful cherry blossoms that co-exist with Japanese gardens

1.Koishikawa Korakuen・・・This garden was built in the early Edo period and is designated as a national special historic site and special scenic spot. You can enjoy various types of cherry blossoms, including a weeping cherry tree that is over 60 years old, that decorate the area around the pond in the center of the garden. Among them, the turmeric cherry tree, which blooms with yellow flowers, is rare to see in Tokyo and is worth a visit.

2.Hamarikyu Gardens・・・A daimyo garden founded in the Edo period with a tidal pond and two duck grounds. Approximately 100 cherry trees are planted in the park, ranging from standard cherry blossoms such as Yoshino cherry tree and Yaezakura to rare varieties such as Gyoko and Ukon. The best part is that you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for a long period of time, as the blooming period varies depending on the variety.

A grim sight! Famous cherry blossom viewing spots at shrines and temples

1.Yasukuni Shrine・・・Approximately 500 cherry blossom trees are in full bloom on the grounds of Yasukuni Shrine, and many worshipers visit during the cherry blossom season. Events such as a cherry blossom festival, a dedicated sumo match, and a dedicated night cherry blossom performance are also held during the peak viewing season. It is also famous for having specimen trees that serve as the standard for Tokyo’s flowering declaration, which is announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency every year.

2.Ikegami Honmonji Temple・・・The main temple of the Nichiren sect was built on the site of Nichiren Shonin’s death. The temple is also known for having the oldest five-storied pagoda in the Kanto region, which has been designated as a nationally important cultural property.In spring, about 400 cherry blossom trees bloom beautifully on both sides of the approach. The observation deck of the adjacent Ota Ward Ikegami Kaikan is a recommended viewing spot, where you can see the five-storied pagoda and cherry blossoms together.

I want to go with my kids! Famous cherry blossom spots

1.Yoyogi park・・・Yoyogi Park is the fifth largest metropolitan park in the 23 wards, boasting an area the size of 11 Tokyo Domes. There are approximately 700 cherry trees, including Yoshino cherry trees and Oyamazakura trees, and the early bloomers allow you to enjoy cherry blossom viewing from around February. The main attraction within the park is the “cherry blossom garden” located between the Shibuya Gate and the South Gate. During the peak blooming season, stalls are lined up, so you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in a festive mood.

2.Inokashira Park・・・Approximately 400 cherry blossom trees are in full bloom throughout the park, centered around Inokashira Pond, and are mesmerizingly beautiful when they are in full bloom. There are about 250 Somei Yoshino and Yamazakura trees around the pond, and you can even take a boat ride and watch the petals fall. The view of cherry blossoms in full bloom from the top of Nanaibashi Bridge and the snowflakes falling on the water are spectacular.

3.Kinuta Park・・・Kinuta Park is a vast open space with lawns that you can enjoy with your family and friends. Approximately 840 cherry trees, including Someiyoshino and Yamazakura, are planted in the square. Many of the cherry blossoms have trunks over 3m in circumference, and the attraction is that you can see their growing branches right in front of your eyes. Why not grab a leisure sheet and have a leisurely picnic while viewing the cherry blossoms?

4.National Showa Memorial Park・・・A national park that is approximately 40 times the size of Tokyo Dome. There are approximately 1,500 cherry blossom trees and approximately 30 varieties of cherry blossoms in the vast park, and there are many things to see. Don’t miss the Cherry Blossom Garden," where you can enjoy a leisurely cherry blossom viewing centered on Yoshino cherry trees that are 40 to 50 years old, and theOld Cherry Blossom Garden,” located near Sakura Bridge on the Zanbori River.

Only those in the know know! A hidden cherry blossom spot

1.Shiba Park・・・It is one of the oldest parks in Japan, and there are approximately 200 cherry blossom trees within the park. This is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot where you can see the Tokyo Tower and the cherry blossoms at night, which brighten up the city at night, and is visited by many office workers on their way home from work. The beautiful collaboration between cherry blossoms and Tokyo Tower is a must-see. The area around Maruyama Kofun is a particularly popular scenic spot.

2.Hibiya Park・・・It is Japan’s first modern Western-style park, and the flowerbeds are filled with colorful flowers throughout the year. Although there are only about 40 cherry blossoms, the sight of them blooming near Kumogata Pond and Tsuru Fountain is spectacular. The view from the Seagull Plaza is also popular, and you can enjoy the cherry blossoms leisurely from either bench.

3.Toneri Park・・・Approximately 1,000 cherry trees are planted on a vast site with large-scale sports facilities, squares of various sizes, and ponds. One of the highlights of the park is the “Reagan Cherry Blossom” that was planted by former First Lady Reagan when she visited Japan. It is said that the cherry blossoms that the seedlings are made from were gifted from Japan in 1912 (Meiji 45).

《Around Tokyo》

1.Hitachi City Kamine Park(Ibaraki Prefecture)・・・Kamine Park, located in Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is located on a hilly area and has various leisure facilities such as an amusement park and a zoo, so you can enjoy it all day long.There are cherry blossom trees all over the park, and the park is dyed pink during the cherry blossom season.
You can get a panoramic view of the city from the observation deck in the park, and you can also enjoy the night view.
The best time to see the cherry blossoms is usually from early to mid-April, and cherry blossom festivals are held during this time, and the cherry blossoms are illuminated according to the blooming status.

2.Tenpyo no Oka Park(Tochigi Prefecture)・・・Tenpyo-no-oka Park is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot recommended in Tochigi Prefecture. It is a park with rich nature and various historical sites and museums on a vast site.Another good point is that the best time to see the cherry blossoms is usually from late March to late April. Among these, the more than 350 Yaezakura trees and the Edohiganzakura tree, which is a descendant of Japan’s three major cherry blossom trees, are particularly attractive.
During the flower festival, there is a “Botchan Train” that runs through the park, and there is an old folk house cafe that has been renovated from a former farm house, so there are lots of fun things to do besides cherry blossom viewing! The grounds are large, so you can relax and avoid the crowds.

3.Akagi Minami Senbonzakura(Gunma Prefecture)・・・Akagi Minamimen Senbonzakura is a cherry blossom viewing spot that represents Maebashi City. As the name suggests, approximately 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom over a 1.3 km stretch, and when they are in full bloom, you can walk under a spectacular tunnel of cherry blossoms.
During the Cherry Blossom Festival, there are various events such as a product market where you can sample local specialties, local performing arts and street performances, so it’s also recommended for families with children.
In addition, the adjacent Miyagi Senbonzakura Forest has various types of cherry blossoms, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing along with the Somei Yoshino cherry trees.

4.Kumagaya Sakura Tsutsumi(Saitama Prefecture)・・・Kumagaya Sakura Tsutsumi in Saitama Prefecture is a famous cherry blossom viewing spot representing the Kanto region, and has been selected as one of Japan’s top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots. This is a place that has entertained people since the Edo period over 400 years ago.
The sight of about 500 Yoshino cherry trees stretching for about 2km is a sight to behold! The rapeseed flowers blooming on the banks are at their peak at the same time as the cherry blossoms, and the pink and yellow colors create a beautiful scenery.
From late March to early April, the cherry blossoms are illuminated every night, allowing you to enjoy a mystical view of the cherry blossoms at night that is different from the daytime. The great thing about it is that it is easily accessible from the station!

5.Mobara Park(Chiba Prefecture)・・・”Mobara Park” is a popular park for citizens as a place of relaxation, and is a famous cherry blossom viewing spot where nearly 3,000 cherry trees are in full bloom in spring.
Cherry blossoms surround a small lake called Lake Benten in the park, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while leisurely walking around the lake or crossing the bridge over the lake.
The most attractive feature is the cherry blossoms at night, which are lit up in a fantastical way. The illuminated cherry blossoms are reflected on the surface of the lake, creating a very mysterious sight. The cherry blossoms along the nearby Toyota River will also be illuminated, so you can enjoy them as well.

6.Odawara Castle(Kanagawa Prefecture)・・・Odawara Castle shows off its charm in every season, but especially during the cherry blossom season in spring, about 320 Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom, including the castle tower and moat.
It’s a great spot to take photos of the cherry blossoms and the castle, and the photos of the cherry blossoms reflected in the water, which are unique to the moat, are also wonderful!
During the cherry blossom blooming period, the bonbori lights are lit at night, allowing you to enjoy a different and magical appearance.

7.Azumayama Park(Kanagawa Prefecture)・・・Azumayama Park in Ninomiya Town, Kanagawa Prefecture is a park that boasts an observation deck that offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Mt. Fuji, the Hakone/Tanzawa mountains, and Sagami Bay from an altitude of 136 meters. In spring, fields of rape blossoms spread out, but the scenery of Yoshino cherry trees and Mt. Fuji is also spectacular. A scenery that symbolizes the beauty of Japan will appear before your eyes.It is a 5 minute walk from JR Ninomiya Station to the park exit, and a 20 minute uphill walk to the observation deck. Why not feel refreshed by hiking on a sunny day?

8.Kaminuma Park/Shimonuma Park(Saitama Prefecture)・・・At Kaminuma Park and Shimonuma Park, a recreational spot for citizens in Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture, the cherry blossom trees surrounding the pond are illuminated at night.How about enjoying the brightly illuminated cherry blossoms floating gently on the water’s surface at night?

9.Tennozakura(Gunma Prefecture)・・・Tennozakura, located in Katashina Village, Tone District, Gunma Prefecture, is a giant Oyamazakura tree that is estimated to be over 300 years old. It is registered as a natural monument of Gunma Prefecture, and is lit up when it is in full bloom. Take note of the spectacular view of cherry blossoms appearing in the rice fields in front of you.

10.Hitachi Fudoki Hill(Ibaraki Prefecture)・・・Hitachi Fudoki Hill in Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture is where ruins from the Jomon and Yayoi periods were excavated, and it is a place that can be enjoyed for a variety of purposes, including exhibits that recreate the lifestyle of those days, a campground, and sports facilities. In particular, the rows of weeping cherry trees, also known as cherry blossom curtains, are said to be a spectacular sight.In addition to weeping cherry blossoms, Yoshino cherry trees and botanical cherry blossoms bloom, and you can enjoy cherry blossoms for about a month in total.

11.Ooka River Promenade(Kanagawa Prefecture)・・・Ookagawa Promenade is famous for its approximately 3.5km long row of cherry blossom trees. It is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot that is said to be the place to go for cherry blossom viewing in Kanagawa Prefecture. During the cherry blossom festival, there are many mock shops and product exhibitions, so you can enjoy the cherry blossoms while browsing the shops!During the cherry blossom viewing period, we hold the Ooka River Cruise, where you can see the cherry blossoms blooming along the river from a cruise ship. This valuable experience, where you can enjoy the cherry blossoms and Minato Mirai scenery at the same time, can only be enjoyed in spring!

12.Satte Gongendo Sakura Tsutsumi(Saitama Prefecture)・・・Satte Gongendo Sakura Tsutsumi is home to about 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees that stretch over 1km. It is one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Saitama Prefecture, and many people visit to take photos.The canola blooms at the same time as the cherry blossoms, creating a beautiful contrast between yellow and pink.In addition to cherry blossoms, Satte Gongendo also has about 15,000 hydrangeas and about 1 million red spider lilies planted on the banks, so you can enjoy seasonal flowers.

13.Kanagawa Prefectural Mitsuike Park(Kanagawa Prefecture)・・・As the name suggests, Mitsuike Prefectural Park has three ponds surrounded by lush trees. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom all around the pond, and the reflection of the cherry blossoms on the water’s surface is very beautiful.The biggest feature of this park is that there are approximately 1,600 cherry trees of approximately 78 varieties planted within the park. Each tree blooms at different times, so you can enjoy the cherry blossoms for a long period of time.

14.Shimizu Park(Chiba Prefecture)・・・”Shimizu Park” is the only park where you can see the 100-year-old “Kohatsu no Sakura” tree. Approximately 2,000 cherry blossoms of 50 types are planted, including Someiyoshino, weeping cherry, Sunshine cherry, and Oshimazakura, which is used for the leaves of Sakuramochi.In addition to cherry blossoms, you can see around 500 types of flowers such as plums, peonies, and wisteria, and Shimizu Park is unique in that you can enjoy seasonal flowers. During the autumn leaves season, the trees turn beautiful colors.The park has one of Japan’s largest field athletics and boats, and you can enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms while riding on a leisurely moving boat!

15.Shizumine Furusato Park(Ibaraki Prefecture)・・・Shizumine Furusato Park was built in 1966 by making use of the hilly land west of Shizuka Shrine. The vast park, which is approximately 12 hectares in size, is home to approximately 2,000 different types of cherry blossoms, including double cherry trees.Also, mini concerts are often held in this park, and during the Yaezakura Festival held from mid-April to late April, the concert venue and the park are dyed in the pink color of cherry blossoms.

16.Ohira-san(Tochigi Prefecture)・・・Mount Ohira-san, located in the southern part of Tochigi Prefecture, has an altitude of 341m. In spring, about 4,000 Yoshino cherry trees dye the mountain pink.Also nearby is Ohira-san Shrine, which has blessings for traffic safety. Shrines and weeping cherry blossoms create a beautiful and dignified scene typical of Japan.The Ohira-san Cherry Blossom Festival is held every year near Taiheiyama Shrine, where everyone can enjoy the beauty of the cherry blossoms seen from the top of the mountain.


1.Kema Sakuranomiya Park・・・Kema Sakuranomiya Park is a riverside park that uses approximately 4.2km of riverbed, and the right bank is lined with buildings representative of the early Meiji era, such as the Mint and Senpukan. . The sight of the tree-lined avenues from Tenmabashi to Sakuranomiya Bridge (Ginbashi) turning pink with approximately 4,800 cherry blossom trees is a sight to behold. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, many visitors visit until late at night every day.

2.Osaka Castle Park・・・Osaka Castle is a place where the castle tower, huge stone walls, moat, and cherry blossoms in full bloom create a beautiful harmony. The Nishinomaru Garden, where about 300 cherry trees, mainly Someiyoshino cherry trees, are in full bloom is a must-see. The standard cherry blossom trees of Osaka Prefecture are also installed in the garden, and it is known as one of Osaka’s most famous cherry blossom viewing spots. Every year, during the flowering season, the trees are illuminated at night. You can enjoy the fantastic cherry blossoms at night.

3.Mint Bureau Cherry Blossom Passage・・・The passageway inside the Mint premises is known as the Cherry Blossom Passageway, which is open to the public for one week each year during the cherry blossom season. Approximately 350 cherry blossom trees bloom at a distance of approximately 560 meters, and many people visit. The approximately 130 types of cherry blossoms, including Ootemari and Kodemari, which are hard to see, are worth seeing. After sunset, the cherry blossoms are illuminated with paper lanterns, allowing you to enjoy the cherry blossoms at night.

4.Expo’70 Commemorative Park・・・At Expo’70 Commemorative Park, famous for Taro Okamoto’s Tower of the Sun, you can see about 5,500 cherry trees of nine varieties, including Somei Yoshino and Yamazakura. Every year, during the cherry blossom festival, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms illuminated at night. The grounds also feature large playground equipment, a museum, and a Japanese garden, so you can enjoy the whole day here.

5.Satsukiyama Park・・・A park that spreads out around Mt. Satsuki, which is approximately 315 meters above sea level. Yoshino cherry trees and wild cherry trees are in full bloom everywhere from the park entrance to the Hinomaru observation deck at the top of the mountain. The slopes of the mountain are dyed in cherry blossom color, and it is also recommended to look at the cherry blossoms from the car window on the driveway. Every year, the lanterns are lit to coincide with the blooming, and you can enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms at night.The park also has Satsukiyama Zoo, where you can see alpacas and wombats for free, so it’s perfect for an outing with children.

6.Settsukyo Park・・・Settsukyo Park is a scenic spot with strangely shaped rocks and cliffs. The approximately 42.65 hectare park has promenades where you can see waterfalls, hiking trails, and observation decks, and there are approximately 3,000 cherry trees, including Yoshino cherry trees, and approximately 800 cherry blossoms in full bloom at the cherry blossom plaza at the entrance of the park. Every year during the peak viewing period, lanterns are lit and the Settsukyo Sakura Festival is held.

7.Kishiwada Castle・・・Kishiwada Castle is a symbol of Kishiwada, the town of Danjiri. Approximately 170 cherry trees are planted in the surrounding area, and lanterns are lit up during the blooming season, allowing you to enjoy the cherry blossoms at night as well as the illuminated castle. At the end of the day, you can see a “flower raft” with flower petals floating in the moat surrounding the castle, which is very atmospheric.

8.Yamanakadani・・・Cherry blossoms have been planted in the Yamanaka Valley near the prefectural border with Wakayama since the 1960s, and approximately 1,000 cherry trees, including Somei Yoshino and Yamazakura, bloom along the Yamanaka River. Every year, the cherry blossoms are lit up during the blooming period, making it possible to see the magical cherry blossoms at night. At Wanpaku Kingdom, which is right next to the station, the Yamanakakei Cherry Blossom Festival is held with free admission.

9.Eiraku Dam・・・Approximately 1,000 cherry blossom trees, including Yoshino cherry and wild cherry, are in full bloom around Eiraku Dam, which has been designated as one of Osaka’s 100 Best Greens and 100 Best Water Source Forests. During the blooming season, lanterns are lit in the plaza, and some cherry blossom trees are also illuminated. The Cherry Blossom Festival, where stalls are lined up, also adds to the cherry blossom viewing mood.

10.Daisen Park・・・Daisen Park is part of the Mozu tumulus group, and is a lush green park that stretches between Nintoku-tenno-ryo kofun and Richu-tenno-ryo kofun. In spring, around 1,000 cherry trees, including Yoshino cherry, Yamazakura, and Oshimazakura, bloom around Doraike Pond in the center of the park. There is a lawn plaza, a children’s forest, a museum, a tea room, a Japanese garden, etc., and it is crowded with many families.

11.Flower Expo Memorial Park Tsurumi Green・・・Tsurumi Ryokuchi, which was the main venue for EXPO’90 “International Flower and Greenery Expo,” has been redeveloped into a city park called “Flower Expo Memorial Park Tsurumi Ryokuchi.” The vast grounds still contain the pavilions and gardens from the time of the exposition, as well as sports and recreational facilities. Kawazu cherry blossoms begin to bloom from around late February, and once spring is in full swing, you can see Yoshino cherry trees, Yoshino cherry trees, and other cherry blossoms all over the park. It is a spot where you can enjoy various kinds of flowers in other seasons as well.

12.Shitennoji Temple・・・Shitennoji is famous as the first full-fledged Buddhist temple and one of the seven great temples built by Prince Shotoku. Several types of cherry blossoms, including Yoshino cherry trees, are in full bloom on the grounds. Approximately 50 cherry blossom trees bloom in the Gokuraku Jodo Garden (Honbo Garden), where you can enjoy the cherry blossoms in a relaxed manner.

13.Nenpo Shinkyo Kongoji Temple・・・Every spring, colorful flowers such as cherry blossoms, peaches, tulips, and azaleas bloom in the grounds of Kongoji Temple, which is adjacent to Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park. Unfortunately, 2023 has also been canceled, but on the day of “Hanabiyori Kongoji”, which is open to the public every year, there will be gagaku performances and stage shows, as well as many mock-up stalls and many other attractions. People come to see the cherry blossoms.

14.Katsuoji Temple・・・Katsuoji Temple is visited by many people from all over the country to pray for luck. The festival begins with Kanhizakura in March, and in April, the grounds are filled with a variety of cherry blossoms. Another point is that most of the cherry blossoms that can be seen at Katsuoji Temple bloom late. It is in full bloom when the cherry blossoms in the city begin to fall.

15.Sayamaike Park・・・Sayamaike Park is designated as one of Japan’s top 100 historical parks. Approximately 1,000 early-blooming Koshinohigan trees are planted along the route, and it is known as one of the spots in Osaka where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing early. There is also the Sayama Pond Museum near the pond, and you can also see double cherry blossoms that bloom from mid- to late April in the surrounding area.

16.Cherry blossom trees along Tamakushi River・・・Tamakushi River flows north-south in the eastern part of Yao City. Starting from Kintetsu’s Kawachi-Yamamoto Station, this line of cherry blossom trees stretches along the river for approximately 5km. Cherry blossom saplings planted around 1965 with the cooperation of local residents have grown splendidly, and now about 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees create a tunnel of cherry blossoms.

《Around Osaka》

1.Yoshino Mountain(Nara Prefecture)・・・Yoshinoyama is the most famous cherry blossom viewing spot in the Kinki region. There are 30,000 cherry blossom trees blooming in the Yoshinoyama area, an extraordinary number of cherry blossoms. Here you can see 200 types of cherry blossoms representing the wild cherry tree. Rather than looking at each cherry blossom tree individually, we recommend enjoying the view of the entire mountain. The blooming period of cherry blossoms changes depending on the altitude, so the cherry blossoms bloom gradually from the base to the top of the mountain, making it a place where you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for many days.The cherry blossoms on Mt. Yoshino are classified by altitude, and are divided into Shimo-senbon, Naka-senbon, Kami-senbon, and Oku-senbon. Among them, Hanayagura Observation Deck is located in Kamisenbon and is a recommended place where you can overlook the entire mountain. From the observation deck, you can see Mt. Yoshino, which turns pink when it is in full bloom. Even in spring, it can be chilly up in the mountains, so be sure to wear warm clothes that are comfortable for walking.

2.​Shichikawa Dam lakeside(Wakayama Prefecture)・・・Cherry blossom trees have been planted around the Nanakawa Dam, which appears in the mountains surrounded by nature. The shore of the dam lake is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot where you can see more than 3,000 cherry blossoms over a 5km stretch, contributing to the revitalization of the area. The sight of the area around the dam turning pink with cherry blossoms is a sight to behold. After sunset, the cherry blossoms illuminated by lanterns stand out against the pitch-black dam, making for a very impressive sight.The red-painted bridge that spans the dam is a recommended spot where you can take beautiful photos with the cherry blossoms. From the top of the bridge, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the cherry blossoms surrounding the vast dam. Please take your time to admire the cherry blossoms and the nature of the dam lake from the top of the bridge.

3.Hikone Castle(Shiga Prefecture)・・・Approximately 1,200 cherry trees are planted around Hikone Castle, a national treasure. It is one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Kansai, and is crowded with tourists during the cherry blossom viewing season. The cherry blossoms are also illuminated at night, so enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom illuminated along with the castle.The collaboration between the castle and cherry blossoms is of course beautiful, but there are also many cherry blossom viewing spots around the castle that are great for photos. The bridge over the moat and the cherry blossoms are particularly recommended, as you can take pictures that look like something out of a historical drama. When you look at the cherry blossom petals falling into the moat from the bridge, you can forget the time and enjoy cherry blossom viewing.

4.Prefectural Akashi Park(Hyogo prefecture)・・・Akashi Park, which includes Akashi Castle, has 1,000 cherry blossom trees planted in a large area. You can see cherry blossoms around the pond and right next to Akashi Castle, as well as cherry blossoms in various places within the park. Please find your own hidden cherry blossom viewing spot. Viewing the cherry blossoms from the pond while riding a boat is also special.

5.Koriyama Castle Ruins(Nara Prefecture)・・・There are 800 cherry trees around Koriyama Castle, and you can enjoy various types of cherry blossoms, including Yoshino cherry trees and weeping cherry trees. The color of the cherry blossoms reflected in the water of the moat and the falling cherry blossom petals are also spectacular. In particular, the old weeping cherry tree that is right next to the castle is in full bloom with its gorgeous pale pink flowers, creating a magical sight.

6.Daigoji Temple(Kyoto)・・・Daigoji Temple, a national treasure, is also famous as the place where Toyotomi Hideyoshi held a grand cherry blossom viewing party. In addition to the 100-year-old Yoshino cherry trees, you can also admire weeping cherry trees and double cherry blossom trees. There are many types of cherry blossoms on the premises, and each type blooms at different times, so you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing for a long time.

7.Cherry blossoms of Kaizu Osaki(Shiga Prefecture)・・・Someiyoshino cherry trees are planted for about 4km around Lake Biwa, and they are especially beautiful when they are in full bloom. Kaizu Osaki is known as a place in the Kinki region where cherry blossoms bloom late. This is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot both inside and outside the prefecture and is expected to be crowded, so please check the surrounding information before heading out.

8.Nara Park(Nara Prefecture)・・・Nara Park is famous for its deer, and during the cherry blossom viewing season, you can see deer and cherry blossoms together. You’ll forget about time and relax as you watch the deer sleeping under the pink cherry blossom trees. The cherry blossoms are beautiful when they are in full bloom, but when the flowers fall and fall on the lawn, the sight of the petals looking like a pink carpet is truly moving.

9.Yutaka Park Nagahama Castle(Shiga Prefecture)・・・There are 600 cherry trees around Nagahama Castle, where Toyotomi Hideyoshi lived, and they bloom beautifully during the cherry blossom viewing season in spring. The cherry blossoms are planted surrounding the castle, so you can enjoy the castle and the cherry blossoms from every angle, making it a view that you’ll want to capture in a photo. Admire the cherry blossoms while taking a walk or having a picnic in the open park.

10.Kimiidera Temple(Wakayama Prefecture)・・・At Kimiidera, there is a specimen tree used to judge the blooming of cherry blossoms, and this tree is famous for being the earliest cherry blossom in the Kinki region. The haiku written by Basho Matsuo also mentions the cherry blossoms at Kimiidera, giving a sense of its long history. It’s also lit up at night, so you can enjoy the contrast between the vermilion of the temple and the pink cherry blossoms at night.

11.Shukugawa Park(Hyogo prefecture)・・・Various types of cherry blossoms are planted along the Shukugawa River in Nishinomiya City for about 3km. You can also see cherry blossoms grown in Nishinomiya City, Nishinomiya Gongen Hizakura and Shukugawa Maizakura. In addition, there are parks and green spaces throughout the city that are planted with Nishinomiya Gongen Hizakura and Shukugawa Maizakura, which are popular as local cherry blossom viewing spots.

12.Kyoto Botanical Garden(Kyoto)・・・More than 200 types of cherry blossoms are grown at the Kyoto Botanical Garden. Along with the cherry blossoms, let’s also observe the many types of flowers that bloom in spring. Spring is the best time to see cherry blossoms such as Somei Yoshino, but there are also cherry blossoms that bloom during the cold winter months and cherry blossoms that are at their best in autumn. This is a little-known spot where you can enjoy cherry blossoms all year round.

13.Arashiyama Togetsukyo Bridge(Kyoto)・・・Arashiyama Togetsukyo Bridge is always visited by tourists regardless of the season, and is a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing in spring. If you look at the cherry blossoms along the river along with Togetsukyo Bridge, you will feel the atmosphere. The light pink color of the cherry blossoms stands out against the green mountain surface, and you can enjoy the unique colors of the mountains in spring.

14.Himeji castle(Hyogo Prefecture)・・・Somei Yoshino cherry trees and weeping cherry trees are planted around Himeji Castle, a national treasure. The contrast between the bright white walls of Himeji Castle and the pale pink color of the cherry blossoms is breathtakingly beautiful. Himeji Castle is lit up at night, and you can also see the cherry blossoms at night. There are plenty of cherry blossoms planted even in places where you can’t see the castle, so it’s a good idea to take a walk around the area and find some hidden spots.

15.Mitake(Mie Prefecture)・・・Mitake in Mie Prefecture is a picturesque area with the simple scenery of Satoyama and the mountain cherry blossoms reflected on the water surface of rice terraces. The Mitake cherry blossoms are a little-known spot that is also popular with people who take photos. Early in the morning, there are fewer people, the wind is calm, and the water surface does not move easily, making it a good time to take photos of the rice terraces and cherry blossoms. Once in a while, go out to see the cherry blossoms early in the morning and enjoy the clean air and cherry blossoms to your heart’s content.

16.Ninnaji Temple(Kyoto)・・・Omurozakura at Ninnaji Temple is a prestigious cherry blossom viewing spot that has been around since the Edo period. When you look at the cherry blossoms along with the five-storied pagoda, you can feel the long history and tradition. It is one of the last cherry blossoms in Kyoto to bloom, and the best time to see it is from early to mid-April. It’s a good idea to go out at the end of the cherry blossom viewing season after enjoying cherry blossom viewing elsewhere.

17.Sasayama Castle Ruins(Hyogo Prefecture)・・・At the ruins of Sasayama Castle, built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous spot in Tanba-Sasayama, 1,000 cherry trees are planted surrounding the castle. There is also a pond around the castle, and you can enjoy the cherry blossoms reflected in the water and the cherry blossom petals floating in the water. The cherry blossoms illuminated at night with paper lanterns are also spectacular. Enjoy cherry blossom viewing both during the day and at night.

《Tohoku region》

1.Hirosaki Castle Park (Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture)・・・ There are approximately 2,600 cherry blossom trees around Hirosaki Castle, and a cherry blossom festival is held in the spring. The cherry blossoms blooming with Hirosaki Castle in the background create a particularly beautiful scenery.

2.Mt. Bandai (Fukushima Prefecture)・・・ Mt. Bandai is an area with beautiful scenery throughout the seasons, and cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring. The scenery of cherry blossoms with Mt. Bandai in the background is especially worth seeing.

3.Matsushima (Miyagi Prefecture)・・・ Matsushima has a beautiful coastline, and you can enjoy the harmonious scenery of cherry blossoms and pine trees. The Oshika Peninsula and the islands are also famous for their cherry blossoms, and are known as a tourist destination for cherry blossom viewing.

4.Aone Oshima (Iwate Prefecture)・・・ Aone Oshima is a place with beautiful blue sea and island scenery, and in spring, the entire island is dyed in cherry blossom color. The contrast between the blue sea and the pink cherry blossoms is amazing.

5.Sakuranbo Village (Yamagata Prefecture)・・・ Sakuranbo Village in Yamagata Prefecture is also known as a famous cherry blossom viewing spot. The cherry blossoms and cherry fields create a beautiful scenery, and many tourists visit in spring.

《Kyushu region》

1.Kumamoto Castle (Kumamoto Prefecture)・・・ Around Kumamoto Castle, many cherry blossoms bloom in spring. The cherry blossoms are especially beautiful when lit up at night, and the area is crowded with many visitors during the cherry blossom season.

2.Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine (Dazaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture)・・・There are many cherry blossoms on the grounds of Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine, and a cherry blossom festival is held in the spring. The cherry blossoms, especially illuminated at night, create a magical atmosphere.

3.Suimine Park (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)・・・At Suimine Park in Fukuoka City, you can enjoy many cherry blossoms in spring. It is popular among locals and tourists as a famous cherry blossom viewing spot.

4.Yanagawa Horikawa (Yanagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture)・・・Yanagawa City is known as a tourist destination for its beautiful cherry blossom trees. In spring, you can enjoy boating and cherry blossom walks along the Horikawa River, which is surrounded by rows of cherry blossom trees.

5.Takachihomine (Miyazaki Prefecture)・・・Wild cherry blossoms are in full bloom around Takachihomine, and climbers and tourists come to enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring.


1.Moerenuma Park (Sapporo City)・・・Moerenuma Park is located in Sapporo City, and many cherry blossoms bloom in the park in spring. The row of cherry blossom trees along the Maruyama River is especially beautiful.

2.Cherry Blossom Street (Hakodate City)・・・The cherry blossom street in the center of Hakodate City is filled with beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom in the spring. You can enjoy the scenery of cherry blossoms along with Mt. Hakodate.

3.Cherry blossom trees in Nakajima-cho, Muroran City・・・The row of cherry blossom trees in Nakajima-cho, Muroran City forms a beautiful arcade of cherry blossoms in spring. A cherry blossom festival will also be held.

4.Parks in Asahikawa City (Asahikawa City)・・・There are several parks in Asahikawa City, where cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring. The cherry blossoms around Asahiyama Zoo are especially famous.

5.Miyanomori Park (Obihiro City)・・・Miyanomori Park in Obihiro City is known for its cherry blossoms and azaleas. In spring, many flowers bloom and people come to see them.

In these places, you can enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms despite Hokkaido’s unique cold climate. The blooming time of cherry blossoms varies depending on weather conditions, so it’s a good idea to check the blooming status before visiting.



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